Saturday, 21 July 2012

Sleepover At Best Friends & Challenges Time

Hey Guys :)
So yesterday me and few other friends slept over at my best friends house, she always has these kind of sleepovers on the last day of school to celebrate that it's summer. On Thursday it was my last day of school and we had a half day so straight after school I went home got changed and packed my bags then went over to my best friends house luckily she lives few roads away from me so I didn't have to carry 2 bags with me. When I got there we went out to meet up with some boys , later on in the day we got really bored so me and the boys convinced my best friend to go to her house just to chill. So we did, we listened to music, gave each other huge wedgies (I got like 5 hahahhaha) then we went to Asda's to get stuff for the challenges. We couldn't find the cinnamon so we asked the staff (a hot guy helped us) then he asked us why do we need cinnamon at this time it's not like were gonna be baking and we told him the whole story, the just for a laugh we asked him where the chili's and food colouring are. Later on in evening we watched or tried to watch the Insidious, I was talking all the way through just to make it funny cause I hate scary movies. We tried to do an all nighter but we ended up going to sleep at 4am and waking up at 11am.

On Friday we did the challenges it was so funny, first we did the salt and ice challenge in my garden which it made a huge mess, then we did the cinnamon challenge in the back of my house, then the chilli and the the rainbow milk but that failed because we had one orange food colouring which is horrible and one blue which it was the nicer one. I really like the cinnamon challenge I've had 3 spoon, in my mouth I still taste cinnamon. After all the challenges we chilled in my garden then after the girls have left. I've finished filming my summer lookbook (should be up on YouTube now) and then meet up with my 'boy' friend and he stole my phone and started texting everyone...

Here's some of the pictures that I took.