Monday 6 August 2012

Going on a holiday.

Hey Guys
So it's been few days or weeks when I last wrote in here. It's kind of wired because I'm on my summer holidays and I have lots of free time. Over the past few days I have been doing nothing, everyday I have been going to bed at 1ish am and waking up at 1pm, which to some people (like my mum) is shocking because I'm wasting half of my day. But this will change. On the 11th of August I'm going to Poland to see my family, which I'm really excited because I haven't seen them in almost 2 years :) We are going to Poland in the car like we always do. It's 18hour car journey, which might seem a long time but I actually enjoy it because I get to bond with my sister and parents.

Here's some few pictures from my week! & Yes there is a random picture of Bradley Copper just because he's so HOT!!!