Wednesday 6 July 2011

My Ideal Boys Swagg !! and Cher Lloyd new video ??? Beyonce is back :D

So this is for the guys :) How to get 'Swag' ....

Outfit 1


 Top - Ed Hardy 
Hoodie - Top Man 
Jeans - Top Man (I think ) 
Shades - Ray Ban
Shoes - Vans 

Outfit 2 

Sweatshirt - Top Man
Chinos - Top Man
Headphones - Beats by Dr. Dre Solo

Hope you guys like it :)

If my boyfriend dressed il'd go out with him everday just show off to every boy/girl how cool he looks like :)
So if you wanna impress girls then were this :D xo

Cher Lloyd in Swagger Jagger ??

WTF ???

1) Why does she have MP3 Player and Stearo ??
2) WTF ? Is Swagger Jagger
3) What does Cc stand on her t-shirt ??
4) Why would someone make song for 3 year olds ??
5) Whats up with her hair


In my opinion i dont like this song :P but ... its really catchy and in some scenes she look pretty :)

Beyonce is back !!
God i love her she has an amazing voice and she is my inspiration on how she made her dream to come true :)


Love & Peace :)
Nat xo